Serenity – By Al Flemming a Caribbean Poet and Author. Serenity Familiar. The wind commands the attention of not only my body, But my soul, As my very being is lifted gently by the salty surprise that each breath provides. A feeling all too familiar. My eyelids collapse for a…
Emotional Needs are some of the most important aspects of any relationship. Everyone has needs which must be met for life to be thought of as worthwhile and even sustained. Relationships are a big part of living. Many times people are single and they say ” I love to be…
We all know gratitude to be an emotion in which we express appreciation for the things we have. When you are showing or expressing gratitude you ignore the ‘i wish I had’ thoughts and thank god for what you do have. But, how many of us practice gratitude on a…
Self Celebration. Do you ever say to yourself “hey! You did well today! I am proud of you and I am going to take you to dinner?” If you have, how did that feel? Did it feel better than when that same sentence was said to you by a loved…