Instead of saying I will be Happy when… Say, I am happy because…
My Declaration: I am happy because I have life. I am happy because I get to share some inspiration with you that I hope will make a difference in your life. I am happy because I choose to be.
Now its your turn, complete the sentence. I am happy because…
Making Happiness apart of your Daily Routine
Stress/sadness vs Happiness? You choose.
Making happiness apart of your daily routine is a decision that you have to consciously make each day. Every time you inhale and exhale gives you an opportunity to choose to be happy. Understanding this is the first step to being happy. When you decide to be happy you can go about incorporating happiness commitment acts. For instance:
- I know that I have to do morning chores to get hubby off to work so I wake up earlier so that I can have a little me time and not be overwhelmed. By decreasing the stress I increase my happiness.
Related Post: Self celebration and the Art of Knowing yourself.
Happiness will not wait for you.
You will not wake up each morning and happiness will be outside waiting for you. This also means that you cannot be stressed now and expect that after all the stress you will be happy. You have to choose to be happy in the now because you never know what life may bring.
Enjoy the ride before getting off at your stop.
Shanice DK

Affirm your happiness
It is not enough to start your day without setting your intentions. Being that happiness is something you need to commit to each day you can begin your days be affirming your happiness.
- I love waking up on a Monday morning, it feels like a fresh start. I am so happy.
- I am blessed and happy to be alive this morning.
Turn Acts into Acts of Happiness
Use your daily activities to express happiness within yourself and this will also brighten another person’s day.
When you get to work in the mornings/nights don’t be Debbie Downer be Peppy Pattie.
Say Good Morning with a big smile. Give someone a hug. Tell someone you love them. Wherever you see an act that will lift up moods jump at it and enjoy it.
Express Gratitude
Showing gratitude is another major way to incorporate happiness into your life and daily routine. By being thankful for what you have and what you have achieved you will ultimately be happier. As I’ve said in my previous post Gratitude will change your life.
Summing it up
From all I’ve said here is a summary/take away.
Happiness is a choice and you must commit to it every chance you get. You can make happiness a part of your daily routine by:
- well, choosing happiness (LOL)
- knowing that happiness will not wait for you
- affirming your happiness
- expressing happiness in what you do for yourself and others.
- expressing Gratitude
Is happiness a major part of your life? Share your happiness thoughts below.

Just want to start by saying, fantastic read as always. 👏
In regards to the question, I would definitely say that happiness is a major part of my life. It really is the defining factor between having a wonderful day (regardless of events), and having a horrible day (when you entertain negativity).
I also agree that brightening someone’s day, especially when they seem down, is one of the best things you can do.
Keep up the good work. God bless.
🌼 Thank you so much 🤗. I’m glad happiness is a main part of your life and thank you for brighten my day, as always. 🌼
Most welcome ^_^ and thank you so much as well. Your blog is an inspiration.
This put a smile on my face
I’m happy to hear that 💛. Thanks for reading.
This is such a nice post – thank you for sharing!! I always love it when people smile and say good morning to me in the morning so I always like to do it back!
🌼 saying Good Morning is such a simple and effective way to lift moods. Thank you for stopping by.