Fostering Wellness

How I truly Learned to Love Myself.

Self-Love. Lets take a minute to think about that word.

Self-Love. Lets take another minute to decide what it means.

For me, Self-Love means accepting myself for my strengths and my weaknesses. It means trusting myself, protecting myself and most of all it means making myself happy and content. – FaithnTurtles

Coming to this personal definition wasn’t easy. Loving yourself, like many other things in life is often easier said than done. I have been saying I love myself for many years but i didn’t fully know or appreciate that or what it meant until God made me appreciate it.

When I decided to transform my pain into purpose is when I truly began to love myself.

How I Truly Learned to Love Myself

Acceptance – Accepting Myself

“For every Man shall bear his own burden”- Galatians 6:5

I have made decisions in my life that may not have been the wisest of decisions and for a long time, I was haunted by those decisions. I was haunted by the mistakes or wrong turns I felt that I made. Yet, I claimed Self-Love.

How can I love myself but at the same time not accept myself? Logically it doesn’t make sense so I asked God to give me acceptance. Accepting yourself is the first step in loving and celebrating yourself.

A Self – Knowing that I am a Self

In learning to accept yourself you will realize that you are a self.

“a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action. “

Yourself is what makes you unique. The element of your being that sets you apart from everyone else in the world. Doesn’t that sound cool?

In accepting myself I came to the realization that I am a self. I am a person with unique capabilities, unique decision-making skills, unique adversities and although these may lead to what are “common mistakes” that humans make; I am still unique in making them. This also means that I must be unique in overcoming and unique in loving myself.

I am not my decisions – Not Being Defined by isolated Actions or Decisions

You are not your decisions and I am not my decisions. After accepting myself and noting the fact that I am a self. I then noted the fact that I am not my decisions. One element of myself doesn’t define me as a person. Only I can define me, nothing or no one else can. I am not my:

  • friends, family or parents
  • past relationships
  • failures
  • successes

I am a product of what I have been through and overcame. which is a result of my experiences that have helped to shape me into a good person who does not take defeat and strives to empower others. I am a product of my never-ending fight to be the best that I can be as instructed by God.

Who are you? Tell me on my Instagram : @faithnturtles

ForgivenessForgiving Myself

How can you accept yourself and come to a distinct understanding about your being but you have not forgiven yourself? How can you ask God for forgiveness but you have not forgiven yourself?

In the answers to these questions, I found self love.

“if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” 1st John 1:9

It’s a Journey – Trusting The Process

Loving yourself wont happen over night. You need to take the time to know yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself and then the love will find you.

It’s a journey and a process of continued improvement but with faith, you will get there, if you aren’t already.

This piece was originally posted on as a guest entry.

Shanice DK is a Freelance Writer within the beauty and wellness niche. She enjoys spending time in nature, writing, and crafting handmade items. You can catch up with Shanice on her business website - Or on Instagram @faithnturtles.

21 Comments on “How I truly Learned to Love Myself.

  1. I think that one of the greatest accomplishments in life is learning to love yourself. We are so hard with our own beings and we don’t give us a chance to accept who we are and be happy with our own. Sometimes we look at each other though too critical eyes and don’t give us a chance to forgive our mistakes.

  2. Everyone should read this post! I can’t thank you enough for sharing it with us, love it! Self love is something we all need to practice.

  3. I loved this article as it mirrors my own processes and development over the years. In the end I think for me the most important part was forgiving myself for all my mistakes.

  4. I agree, learning to love yourself is important. Enjoy each day and especially enjoy the simple things in life!

  5. Thanks for sharing this. Pausing to take stock and think about our motivation for doing things is so important. This was a great read, thanks

  6. It is hardest for me to forgive those who have hurt me the most. it is as if i don’t really understand what forgiveness looks like for me. I know what is looks like for Christ, but I feel as if I am incapable of it at times.

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