As a blogger, who loves what I do there are several apps that I have downloaded to make my blogging life easier. I use these apps every day as I deal with my blog every day. Blogging is a huge part of my life and also a huge part of my income.
Currently, I stay at home as I am writing my thesis. I also work from home for my blog and as a freelance content writer for other blogs. ( If you are interested in hiring a freelance writer, please refer here).
Mobile Apps that are a must-have for Bloggers and freelancers
- WordPress App
For my blog, this is the most important app that I use. I use the wordpress app to:
- interact with other bloggers by reading and commenting on their content,
- re-read my blog posts and make quick edits where I find typos or errors in sentence structure,
- write new post ideas as they come to me. Honestly, ideas for blog post come to me at the weirdest moments. I could be cooking and god will say you need to write about how food affects motivation. So, I usually grab my phone and just type my thoughts then save as a draft.
- manage feedback on my blog posts: approve comments etc,
- check how my blog is going in terms of weekly stats and so much more, absolutely love this app for blogging.
- Social Media Apps
Social Media is how I promote my blog content. I use Pinterest and twitter mostly because that is where I get the most traffic from. I post almost 90% of pins from my phone and you will know why soon.
Twitter, I use for just interacting and sharing positive vibes.
Same for Instagram, I post motivational content to help myself and others heal.
I use facebook for blogging groups and interacting with other bloggers.
- Canva App
Canva is such a great app for bloggers who are not design experts, absolutely love it. I use canva to design ALL my pins. I design them right from my phone then I post them to Pinterest using the Pinterest app. I use the free version, haven’t found a reason to pay for it as yet but they have great stock photos that you can use.
- Over App
Over is another design app, I use it to design all my photos for instagram motivational content. Over is easy to use and allows you to make great picture quotes. I use the free version, haven’t found a reason to pay for it but they too have great stock photos.
- Paypal Business App
So earlier I mentioned that I also do freelance writing. I use paypal business to create and send invoices as well as manage my payments. This is a great app for bloggers and freelancers to track and manage income.
- Ebates App
I just caught on to Ebates, I really don’t use it that often but I did make a post on using Ebates in 2019. I have the app to track my referral income. I also use it to save when I’m shopping online by getting cash back. If you are not on Ebates then feel free to check out my post and join using my referral code. We will both earn when you join and spend $25 for any company participating in the cash back program.
- Upwork App
Again as a freelance writer, I use upwork to apply for a new writing jobs, manage my payments and speak to clients. It’s really a great app for freelancers so feel free to join upwork if you are not already on it.
Followers + App – this helps you to track those naughty people on Instagram who like to follow you then unfollow you later after you’ve followed them back.
Influenster– if you like free stuff, just kidding. If you are a beauty blogger then you will love Influenster. After a few surveys you may get sent free boxes of products for review. They do send out other products but I’ve only gotten beauty products.
All these apps can be found in your Android or iTunes store. These apps have really increased my productivity as a blogger/freelancer and so I wanted to share them with you. I really hope you enjoyed this post.
What are some of your favorite mobile apps for bloggers and freelancers?

I agree with you on all of these apps!! I love Follwers+ because it honestly takes away some of the stress that comes along with trying to grow an Instagram page. Happy Blogging!