Journaling with journal prompts is a powerful tool for dealing with anxiety caused by COVID-19.
Growing up, I would often hear the phrase “there is nothing new under the sun”. I never truly understood what that meant until I became an adult.
Currently, the world is dealing with a pandemic, COVID-19 (read more here) and I can’t help but say, ‘there is nothing new under the sun’. While this may be true about the situation, it doesn’t have to be true about the response.

The beauty of life and living under the sun is that we get to look back at history and choose a different path.
In the midst of this pandemic, I found myself feeling very anxious. This anxiety is even further exacerbated by the news that I will not be getting paid, seeing that I am an hourly employee and schools are currently closed. Initially, I couldn’t focus on anything, my brain was frazzled.
I decided to take a few deep breaths and I then reached for my journal. I started journaling by using prompt number one from this list and I immediately felt better and more hopeful.
Journaling has been proven to help combat anxiety and I use journal prompts because sometimes when I’m anxious, I have so many thoughts that it’s hard to narrow down and start writing.
I woke up today, feeling brand new, ready to take on the world, ready to do what I can when I can and leave things that I cannot control.
A big part of doing what I can, is sharing my experience and a few ways to prevent someone else from experiencing the same. As such, I decided to create this list of 10 journal prompts to help you deal with any feelings of anxiety caused by COVID-19.

10 Journal Prompts for dealing with feelings of Anxiety
1. How are you feeling right now? Describe how you feel in writing.
There are no rules for describing how you are feeling. Simply put pen to paper and see what comes up. Think about whether or not you want to feel the way you do. Also, try to list any strategies you can use to change how you are feeling if you don’t like it.
2. Make a list of the things that you are grateful for.
In such a time like this, thinking of gratitude is a powerful thing. As I’ve said in a previous post, gratitude will change your life.
In all this, we must be grateful and there is always something to be grateful for. Keep that in mind as you make your list.
3. What was the most difficult experience you had before, and how were you able to overcome it?
Thinking back on things you overcame will give you hope for this current season. If you made it before, you can make it again. Include some strategies or even names of people that helped you along.
4. What are five moments in your life when you can say you were truly happy?
While you should always live in and enjoy the present moment, taking a look at the past can be helpful sometimes. Take a brief moment to recall moments in your life that you were happy. Then read them and smile, with love for the present and hope for the future.
5. Make a list of the things that you’re worried about right now.
What are you worried about? Get it out on paper and leave it there.

6. Make a list of the facts of COVID-19.
Many times feelings of anxiety are elevated because we do not understand the thing that we fear. Jot down the facts and even share 1 or two to those around so they can better understand. Try not to consume too much information (news), that’s not helpful, keep it simple.
7. What are the three things you’d love to be doing for the rest of your life?
Use this to connect with your passion and dream for yourself. It may even help you to get started on a hobby right now that will keep your mind occupied and creative.
8. List at least 10 activities you can do to take better care of yourself.
Self-care is so important, especially in a time when you may be experiencing changes in your routine. What does self-care look like in this season?
Below is a checklist that has 60 self care activities that are inexpensive and can be completed each and every day.

Related: 25 Daily Self-care Activities.
9. Make a running list of your favorite inspiring quotes or song lyrics that motivate you.
Use the creative energies of those you admire and channel your own. This will also be a great resource for cheering you up whenever you need it. You can add to it as time passes and your favorites change.
10. What can you do in this moment to make your situation more comfortable or solve the issue you may be facing?
Think of solutions. Take a deep breath then examine the situation and create a list of things that you can do. Stick to the facts.
Bonus. Draw a picture of something that makes you happy. Write about the picture.
Get creative with your drawing and use lots of colorful markers or pens. Write whatever comes to mind about the picture.
I hope this list of journal prompts for dealing with anxiety caused by COVID-19 is useful to you.
Dealing with feelings of anxiety is often not easy but with guidance and tools to help, those feelings can be diminished. Feel free to share this article with anyone who might be experiencing difficulties.
That’s it from me, for now. Let me know in the comments how you are doing/coping? Remember to, practice social distancing, stay safe and keep a positive attitude. I’ll see you in my next one.
Love, Light, and Peace.
Shanice D.