Let me start by saying that I am extremely grateful that I am able to write yet another blog post. My blog has somehow become my outlet and has been helping me greatly. I say this to say, this week has been extremely hard for me. Some days I hardly had the energy to get out of bed, but I did. I got up, I dressed up and I showed up.
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In the midst, the idea for this blog entry came to me. A few years ago, while I was studying at university I found myself being extremely sad all too often. It did not help that I was a psychology major, being in the field made me self-diagnose every now and then. While that is not a bad thing, it was definitely mind-wrecking. To cut short, I read an article that said yoga helps with depression. Me being me, I decided to give it a try. I bought my yoga mat in 2016 and I began my journey to yoga. Purchase your own yoga mat on Amazon.
Now, I must confess I am no yogi. In fact, I keep my practice ‘stupid-simple’ and it helps me greatly.
Presently, I find myself in a similar situation (being sad often) and I have decided that I will step up my yoga practice as well as share some information that may help others who are experiencing similar feelings. Following this read, I challenge you to join me in a 15-day yoga challenge. I will tell you more at the end.
Disclosure: I am not a registered psychologist. I advise you to take the information provided with caution and use it as a guide. Seek the help of a medical professional if you need to and consult a physician before doing strenuous exercise activities.

(Smile through it all. You are golden.)
For some, this word may be scary. But, it really is not as long as you understand. Personally, once I have enough information and I clearly understand something my fear subsides. What is depression? Put simply depression is a mood disorder. This disorder may affect how you feel and think, which then affects how you handle your daily tasks. Typical symptoms of depression are:
- decrease energy/ fatigue
- moving/walking slowly
- feeling restless
- feeling aches, pains, headaches, and cramps
- weight loss or gain (appetite changes)
- difficulty concentrating
- feelings of worthlessness or helplessness
- lost of interest or pleasure in activities you once enjoyed
- difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
- persistent sad or anxious mood
These symptoms may be verified by visiting the National Institute of Mental Health.
Now, this list is not exhausted and depression is only diagnosed if these symptoms persist for 2 or more weeks. It is recommended that you visit a health care professional if you believe that you or a loved one is suffering from some of the above symptoms. Please note that having a few does not mean that you are depressed but you must still take it very seriously. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and it is nothing to be ashamed of. NEVER suffer in silence, it only makes things worst (#Experiencetalks).
For many, Depression and anxiety go hand in hand. For me, it does as well. For some people, whenever they are in a social setting, they often feel nervous and unsettled. This causes overthinking and sometimes shivers. To friends, this may be passed off as being slow to warm up. “I am just that person that needs to take my time for getting to know people”. “I just like to spend the majority of my time inside and I socialize online more than I talk I person”. Things like that often lead to the person feeling sad and cloudy.
What I have described is social anxiety which is only one type of anxiety. Read on the various types here. To define, anxiety is long-term feelings of fear or worry caused by some fear-provoking cue. This fear causes feelings of uncontrollable worry, fatigue, lack of concentration and feelings of irritability as well as difficulty sleeping and performing tasks.
Always remember to visit a health professional if you are experiencing symptoms, everyone is different.

Why yoga helps?
Studies have proven that yoga helps with depression and anxiety. It helps because yoga requires relaxation and concentration on the tasks at hand. Yoga also allows you to reduce your levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
Additionally, your sympathetic nervous system is responsible for your fight or flight, with conscious breathing the ‘fight or flight’ is relaxed and your mind is free. Hence, yoga helps with your breathing, improving your heart rate and may lower your blood pressure.
But that is not the only reason it helps. In my opinion, yoga helps you to live a better lifestyle. The food you eat improves, so you eat more of what makes you feel good. Yoga changes your perspective; you think more positively, love and care for yourself more and express more gratitude. O yes! Inhale good thoughts. Honestly, Yoga is a badass. *High Five*
4 Quick and Easy Poses to Try
Mountain Pose /Urdhva Hastasana in Tadasana
This is a simple and soothing pose that will get you going.
How to:
- Stand with your feet together or hip distance apart, then lift up through your legs and torso
- Stretch your arms over your head
- Hold for 3-5 breaths

Downward-Facing Dog/Adho Mukha Svanasana
How to:
- Plant your hands and knees to the ground
- Ensure that your hands are shoulder-width apart and your knees are hip-width apart
- Inhale as you straighten your legs by lifting your hips
- You should be formed in an inverted V
- Hold for 3-5 breaths
- Exhale as you release

Upward-Facing Dog/Urdhva Mukha Savansana
This pose opens up your chest and allows you to relax, especially your back.
How to:
- Lay on your stomach
- Plant your hands down or to the side by your ribcage
- Keep your toes pointing to the floor
- Push against the ground and slide forward and up
- Straighten your arms and inhale
- Keep your shoulders away from your ears
- Look forward as you hold for 3-5 breaths
- Lay down as you release and exhale

Child Pose/ Balasana
This is the most calming pose. It is very comforting and it is my favorite.
How to:
- Sit on your knees
- Spread your knees, hip-width apart
- Place your hands on the ground to your side
- Inhale as you reach forward
- Ensure that your torso is resting between your thighs
- Rest your forehead on the ground and hold to your heart’s desire.
That’s it. 4 poses, you made it!
The Images used were obtained from yogapedia.com
If you are not yet convinced then give it a try and tag a friend along, it can’t hurt right. I challenge you to 15 days of yoga. Each day you must do at least 4 yoga poses or 10 minutes of yoga. This challenge is open to yogis, newbies, and intermediates. You can join by using the hashtag #15daysofyogawithfaith. Share your tips, challenges, and joys. Let’s do this together!
Comment below if you will be participating. Comment below if you have any tips for managing depression and anxiety. Comment below if you have ever experienced depression or anxiety. Comment below if its okay to not be okay as long as you deal with it properly.
Love, light, and Peace. See you at the hashtag.
Woow, such a lovely post. Myself I have never tried Yoga but maybe one day I will, I am sorry I procrastinate a lot I know hahaha. Well, I guess to a certain level, everyone experiences anxiety or depression and It is okay but it depends on how one deals with it. For instance, myself I tend to stay around people and enjoy every bit of the moment, specifically my sister, or I opt for a jog, this gives me clarity and make me feel a bit released. Thank you for sharing the tips.,
Yeah you should definitely give it a try. Thank you for reading and sharing. I’m glad it gave a release. 🤗 and yes a jog and good friends certainly helps. Thanks for sharing that tip!
Yet another wonderful blog that gives one the energy and courage to get up, dress up and show up. People use different method to cope with their different mood disorder; drinking, smoking, sleeping and the likes. But to invest in a mat and trying different something-yoga, is natural and helpful.
Yes you are so right! Natural is the way to go. Thank you so much for reading
Thank you for reminding me! I’ve been struggling with my anxiety for quite some time – this: “I am just that person that needs to take my time for getting to know people” – really sums it up for me, and I have neglected my yoga practice for quite some time!
I’ll join you on the mat for these next 15 days 😊
Yeah, just have to try your best to get by, by doing majority of what helps. I’m excited that you will be joining. Thank you so much for reading and joining.
This is a wonderful post on Yoga. I’m for you that it’s helping in some way.
🦋🦋 thank you and yess. Thanks for stopping by.
You’re welcome😊 LOL! Thanks for reading the review, hope it didn’t scare u too much.
Oh no, I just replied to the wrong comment. LOL sorry about that.
I love this post . The truth is everyone suffers from depression and anxiety . However not too many people are brave enough to admit it or do something about it. Love these tips . I mediate to help my depression . I never did yoga before and I’m thinking about doing this challenge. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing a bit about you and for the meditation tip. Im glad your thinking about joining the challenge 🙏. Thank you for reading as well.
Your post made me feel comfortable sharing my issues . No problem. I look forward to reading your post in the future . Happy holidays 💕
Thank you so much and same to you! 🎄
I love how you gave the symptoms of depression and anxiety and how to do simple yoga moves. Yoga can be intimidating but like you said there are many simple moves that can help! Great post!
O Yes it can be. Thank you so much for reading.
Awesome! I’ve always thought I need to get into yoga. Thanks for sharing.
Most welcome! Thanks for reading.
Thank you for sharing! good post